REMINDER - NOTICE OF CLUB EGM & AGM - Monday 6 August 7.45pm
You are hereby invited to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting and AGM of Kelburne Hockey Club to be held at the Clubhouse in Paisley on Monday 6th August at 7.45pm prompt - the EGM has been called for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing a change to Sections 12 & 13 of the Kelburne Hockey Club Constitution.
Please note - The proposed changes are that we, the club members, would like to change our Financial year end from December 31st to March 31st and to change the date of the club AGM from April to August. All members, including juniors and social members, are invited to attend both the EGM and AGM, however, only full senior members are allowed to vote.
The Proposal will be voted on by the membership with a simple 'majority vote' considered.
The AGM will follow at 8pm.
1. Attendance Confirmation
2.Apologies for absence
3. Approval of Minutes of 2017 AGM
4. President's report
5. Treasurer's report
6. Convenor's reports
7. Election of Office Bearers
8. A.O.C.B.