Club Subs - REMEMBER to pay! Great club, great value!
Dear Members,
The new season is about to begin and Annual Subscriptions are now due. It’s important to note that without your fees being paid on time, it makes it difficult for the Club to operate efficiently. Please note your specific fees relating for your team or age group from the link below. Please copy/paste to see your fees
Please direct any questions, to for any further clarification.
Please note the changes made for this year:
- Fees remain the same as last year – no change
- £20 discount available for payment of fees in full by 30/9
- A Standing Order facility is available for 3 or 6mth payment
- The SO facilitiy is open until 30/9 after which it is withdrawn
- If no full payment or SO set-up by 30/9, 50% payment is required in Oct, then 50% in Jan.
- For any payments dates missed, players will not be permitted to train or play until resolved
Students/Juniors 14-17 or High School players in Dev. Squads:
- This fee remains the same as last year @ £150
- This can be paid over 2 x Standing Order Dates
Jockey Hockey:
- 2 different Options for payment are available this year:
- Option 1 is payment of year in full which includes all training, games, festivals and Indoor
- Option 2 is a smaller registration fee of £20, with £2 payable for every session attended on Sat and other events
- We hope this is a more flexible arrangement for each family/jockey member to consider
- Please note there will be a new Saturday/Jockey registration system used to administer this.
Once again, please direct any questions to the Club Secretary on