REMINDER - Club Subs Due, 5 days to pay and counting ..Great Club, Great Value for Money
/Dear Club Members,
The new season is upon us and Annual Subscriptions are due by 30th September. It’s important to note that without your fees being paid on time, it makes it difficult for the Club to operate effectively and efficiently. Please note your specific fees relating to your team or age group from the form below and settle as soon as possible. Paper Forms will also be available this week, see your coach. The Club operates a ‘no pay, no play’ policy, if you have any questions here please contact the club secretary via the link below.
Please direct any questions to Billy Anderson at: for any further clarification.
Standing Order Instruction: Please pay to Kelburne Hockey Club
Sort Code 80-09-29, Account Number 06003133
Bank of Scotland
On the ______________ (date) of each month
Ref: Player Name/Team